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Otterbein University Course Catalogs

2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Jan 22, 2025  
2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

General Education Requirements for All Degree Programs

First Year or Transition Year Seminar
Integrative Studies
Integrative Studies Substitute Courses and Policy
Modern Language
Health and Physical Education Lifestyles
Senior Year Experience

I.  First Year or Transition Year Seminar (4 hrs)

Traditional age learners select one course from FYS 1001 through 1034.
Adult learners select TYS 2001 or 2002.

II.  Integrative Studies (28 hrs)

Note: Adult learners pursuing the Liberal Studies in Business and the Liberal Studies in Leadership degree completion programs will complete only the Senior Year Requirement which is the two-course (8 hrs) Interdisciplinary Dyad. The remaining Integrative Studies requirements are not applicable.

A. Freshman Year Requirement

Identity Projects: Writing and Literature (1 course required)
Foregrounding the study of literature and the practice of writing, this requirement area invites you to explore the self in dynamic and critical terms. You will consider the interplay of individual and social identities, and study the self as a catalyst of voice, action, and purpose. In the process, you will engage with questions that are central to personhood: How does the self relate to others? How does the self change across time, culture, and circumstance? How does the self find its place in the world and know its impact? Courses in the thread will emphasize critical inquiry, close reading, and foundational expository writing skills. Honors students must register for a section of HNRS 1500.

B. Sophomore/Junior Year Requirements

Interconnections (1 course required)
In this requirement, you will use the approaches of history and the social sciences to explore how peoples across time and space have organized local, regional, national, and global communities. You will consider the ways in which individuals, groups, and societies are related to one another and examine the social, economic, and political traditions and structures they create. In the end, you will gain a better understanding of how and why peoples and societies have become increasingly interconnected to and interdependent upon one another.

Note: Nursing majors must select INST 2006 or (HNRS 2000) and also cannot select any INST approved substitutions.

Reflection and Responsibility (1 course required)
This requirement area encourages you to reflect meaningfully on your own values and to explore the ethical dimensions of human existence. You will investigate and examine such important issues as individual and collective responsibility to a common good, the notion of a “good life,” and the nature and significance of personal and civic engagement.

Note: Nursing majors must select a course other than INST 2205 or HNRS 2200. Of the approved INST substitutions, only PHIL 1300 or PHIL 2400 may be used to fulfill this requirement.

Natural Foundations (1 course required)
In this requirement area, you will explore our modern understanding of nature and the physical world and how we have arrived at this knowledge. Courses in this thread will explore the impact of this understanding on society and discuss how human activity changes the world. You will confront both the wonders and the dangers inherent in science, and be challenged to consider your individual and collective responsibility for these changes.

Creativity and Culture (1 course required)
This requirement area explores how human beings find and create meaning in our world, particularly through creative inquiry in the arts. You will engage with knowledge that encourages deeper understanding and appreciation of the role of the arts across a diversity of human cultures. Using that knowledge, you will consider critical issues such as using the arts to engage questions of human meaning and purpose, how the arts can suggest and create new possibilities for communities and cultures, and questions of responsibility for maintaining and preserving cultural heritage from around the world.

Art majors must select a course other than INST 2601-2603 and other than INST approved substitutions ARTH 1000 and 1100.
Music majors must select a course other than INST 2605-2607 and other than INST approved substitutions MUSC 3042 and 3046.
Theatre majors must select a course other than INST 2608. 

C. Senior Year Requirement

Interdisciplinary Dyad – Required/Choose One Set of Paired Courses; 8 hrs total
To complete the dyad requirement, you will take two courses from different disciplines that are purposefully linked together and share a central theme, topic, or issue. You will return to and reflect on the overarching learning goals of the Integrative Studies Program and engage in interdisciplinary and integrative modes of learning. You can complete the dyad requirement by choosing from the options listed below. As this is the final requirement in Integrative Studies, you must have completed FYS 1000, INST 1500, and at least three of the four INST 2000, 2200, 2400, 2600 requirements before registering for the dyad.

Dyad options will change as new ones are developed; the current options are listed below.

A Sense of Place: An African Experience (both courses required)
This dyad explores such key questions as why are those in the West so intrigued by African cultures, art, music, life-styles, and political turmoil? How is the African continent connected to the history of all humans? By focusing on a single country per term, the partner courses will examine the biological uniqueness of that country and its connection to the evolution and history of the great apes. An emphasis will be placed on the similar social and cultural characteristics between the two societies. Please note: This dyad will also incorporate an optional travel component. Students will be offered the opportunity to enroll in the SYE Africa travel course and visit the African country being studied in the dyad.

Being in Nature (both courses required)
Sustainability of our natural resources is the unifying concept of this dyad and will be studied through the lenses of environmental protection, economic well-being, social equity, and ethical responsibility, both locally and globally. As one course examines these concepts primarily through literature, the other will use a biological perspective, with a special focus on water resources. Both courses will involve “hands on” environmental experiences and challenge in the cognitive and affective domains. Please note: This dyad is open to all students but it is especially designed for adult students and both courses will be taught in a hybrid modality.

Cross-Cultural Contact and the Dynamics of Power (both courses required)
This dyad examines the power dynamics of cross-cultural contact in the context of the Crusades and colonial conquest. Medieval Cross-Cultural Contact centers on westerners’ interaction with the East (particularly the Byzantine and Islamic worlds) in the High Middle Ages in the context of the Crusades. Power and Culture: West Africa and Colonialism focuses on the interaction between the Western world (specifically Britain and the United States) and the traditional cultures of West Africa (specifically in what came to be Sierra Leone and Nigeria). What motivated these cross-cultural encounters? How did these cultures influence each other? How did these different cultures respond, resist, and adapt to these influences? These are some of the questions these partner courses explore together.

Cultural Identity and Justice in the Globalized World (both courses required)
This dyad will examine the history and impacts of globalization from two key perspectives: cultural anthropology and the sociology of social movements. Both courses consider globalization as an emergent chapter in the long history of dialectical social change as it has constructed global inequalities and tensions. While drawing on a shared analysis (and critique) of large-scale economic structures, both nonetheless look to the identities, actions, and perspectives of everyday people as they are affected by and as they respond to globalization. Taking a broad and multidimensional view of contemporary environmental, economic, political and social problems, students are invited to question dominant representations of the global economy as a “natural” system and consider alternatives.

Exploring, Expressing and Composing the Self (both courses required)
How and why do humans reflect upon and represent, and therefore alter their experiences? How does creativity intertwine with individual and collective change? What is it that makes the creative impulse so core to human experience across time and space? How does creating visual or language-based art enhance self-knowledge and agency? Much of the impact of memoir-based art of any kind arises from the construction or reconstruction of visual images. Seeing the physical world accurately and connecting that vision with memory and emotion is vital to making any kind of art. The habit of art and of artful living is shared by writers who face the blank page, artists who face the blank canvas, and all of us as we face the need to design or redesign our own lives. To be sustainable, the courage and audacity needed to create something new must be balanced with the spirit of play, enjoyment, and possibility. In a very real way, we compose our lives, hopefully with the same level of conscious attention that we bring to our writing and to our art, to our choice of work and our choices in relationships. These courses will explore that connection. Please note: This dyad is open to all students but it is especially designed for adult students.

Gender and Sexuality (2 courses required)
In this dyad, students will explore the complexities of gender and sexual identity, difference, meaning, practice, performance, and representation. Course will examine these intricate issues in relationship to their different contexts (cultural, political, national or transnational) and to interlocking networks of identity (race, age, class, ethnicity, ability, etc).

To complete this dyad, students take any ONE course from EACH of the following TWO groups.

Group A: (pick one course)

Group B: (pick one course)

Leadership for Self and Organizations (both courses required)
The dyad will examine how individuals develop leadership and management skills within organizational structures using examples from non-profit organizations and health professional organizations. The dyad will also explore how organizations recognize and deal with external threats, especially to funding/revenue sources; decide on programs and services; attract and retain staff and volunteers; develop strategic plans; and carry out their purpose and mission.

Native American Cultures: Loss and Survival (both courses required)
In this dyad, students will encounter cultures largely unfamiliar to most modern Americans. In the case of Native American cultures, a twofold dynamic operates: most students are shocked to learn about the cultural, and even literal, genocide inflicted on Native American cultures since White contact and angrily wonder why they have never been told about it before. The courses in our dyad will carefully examine this question. At the same time, many students struggle as their own religions and cultures - everything they hold dear - are repeatedly critiqued as the causes of incredible pain and suffering. Thus we will examine and experience the hard work underlying cross-cultural encounters. It’s our hope that out of this experience our students will come to value and even respect Native American cultures. Finally, the title of our dyad captures another unifying concept, the losses within and of native cultures and those cultures’ resistance against erasure. Native Americans are still here, and our dyad will ask students to come to grips with the hard truth that Native Americans still face huge challenges in our society. At the same time, White Americans must confront this fact: native peoples aren’t just Native Americans, they are Americans.

The Search for Meaning in Culture and Human Life: Imagination, Belief and Ritual (both courses required)
The aim of this dyad is to explore the individual’s engagement with the conditions of his or her existence, and with the cultures through which that engagement is lived out. All humans live in a universe of values. A value is not just a cause of pleasure or liking. Values are also what people live for. The individual must struggle to find what is worth living for within the limits and opportunities presented by nature and society. But the even when that struggle is successful, each of us knows that the meaning we have gained may disappear at any moment, and that in fact, will eventually disappear for sure. No one can avoid having to deal with mortality and vulnerability. In the face of these conditions, humans have fashioned responses that create meaning and even aspire to give meaning to that which seems to deny all meaning. These responses represent both individual and cultural achievements. The key idea of both these courses is the central fact of the struggle for meaning or in other words, the attempt to cope with the conditions of our existence. Our endeavor to cope involves both individual choice and the context of nature and culture within which our struggle occurs. These three concepts - coping, choice, and contexts - are common themes used to structure both courses.

The Self (both courses required)
The overall concept of the dyad is that the self is the result of multiple influences and that these influences can be analyzed from different perspectives in psychology and explored through the development of character in theatre.

Social Change (both courses required)
This dyad focuses on varied forms of social change through significantly different lenses. The courses in this dyad will enable students to understand the role of the individual leader within a social organization and the role of an organization within a systemic framework for mass mobilization and community change. Both courses will have a service-learning component.

Understanding Nature (both courses required)
This dyad will examine how humans understand and relate to nature, using examples from Ohio, and the tropics and from two perspectives: psychology and ecology. Please note: The partner courses will meet in the same semester and students will have the option to enroll in a J-term SYE travel course to Belize.

Understanding Sustainability (2 courses required)
In our contemporary world, where economic, political, social and intellectual issues are frequently impacted by environmental change - and vice versa - understanding this complex and challenging dynamic will benefit students and graduates from many fields. Through shared assignments, field trips and guest speakers, each of the possible pairings between these courses will help students gain skills to apply sustainability concepts to their majors and future careers.

D. Integrative Studies Substitute Courses and Policy

Substitutions for Integrative Studies (INST) requirements are permitted subject to the following conditions:

  1. A substitution must appear on the list of approved alternate courses shown below.
  2. No more than two substitutions are permitted.
  3. While up to two substitutions are permitted, only one of them may be used to fulfill both an INST requirement and a requirement in the student’s major or minor.  In other words, only one substitute course may be double-counted.

The Degree Audit program will automatically count any of the approved substitutes as satisfying INST requirements.

INST Course Approved Substitutes
INST 2000’s Interconnections


INST 2200’s Reflection and Responsibility


INST 2400’s Natural Foundations



INST 2600’s Creativity and Culture




III.  Modern Language (8 hrs)

There is NO General Education modern language requirement for these majors:

Allied Health (BS)
Art with Art Education Concentration (BA)
Athletic Training (BA & BS)
Early Childhood Education (BSE)
Health Education (BA)
Health Promotion and Fitness (BA)
Middle Childhood Education (BSE)
Music and Business (BA)
Music Education (BME)
Nursing (BSN)
Physical Education (BA)
Sport Management (BA)
Theatre, Acting (BFA)
Theatre, Design/Technology (BFA)
Theatre, Musical (BFA)
Theatre, Musical with Dance Concentration (BFA)

For all other majors except Accounting, Public Accounting, Liberal Studies in Business, and Liberal Studies in Leadership (see note below for these particular majors), select one of the following two-course sequences. Please note that a score of 3 on an Advanced Placement (AP) language test means that a student is proficient in modern language 1100 and is thus exempt from the following requirement.

Students pursuing the Accounting or Public Accounting (BA or BS) degree completion programs may elect to take a language and culture class, or may pursue study abroad. In addition to the options already shown for all other majors, select from these options as well:

Students pursuing the Liberal Studies in Business (BA) or the Liberal Studies in Leadership (BA) degree completion programs will take a language and culture class instead of a modern language. Select from these options:

IV.  Mathematics (4 hrs)

There is NO General Education mathematics requirement for the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree and for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree.

Select any one of the following courses unless a specific mathematics course is required for your major as noted below. These courses have a prerequisite of a C- or better in: ASC 0900 - Prerequisite to College Mathematics  (except MATH 1250 which requires a B- or better) or qualification through Otterbein’s Mathematics Placement Exam.

For these majors, take this specific mathematics course:

V.  Health and Physical Education Lifestyles (1 hr)

Students who will be age 23 by the time they graduate are exempt from this requirement.

VI.  Senior Year Experience (4 hrs) 

The ART of SYE provides time and space for senior students to Act, Reflect, and address the Transition to life after Otterbein.
Designed for seniors, SYE asks students to shift their framework: from depth to breadth, from student to professional and citizen, from security to transition.  SYE is a space in the curriculum that challenges students to pull together their knowledge and skills in ways that they can apply what they have learned to contemporary issues and challenges, take time to reflect on their education as a whole and its future uses, and identify and use resources as they move towards the transition to life beyond college.
Students must have completed 96 semester hours and at least 6 of their Integrative Studies courses before taking an SYE. Students may enroll in SYE through a variety of courses and options: the standard four-credit hour course with embedded action, reflection and transition; an intense January-term experience; a combination of a two-credit hour action seminar and a two-credit hour reflection/transition seminar; a specially designated Integrative Studies dyad linked to a January-term or summer experience; or an enhanced off-campus experience.
Certain departments or programs may have specific courses designated to fulfill the SYE requirement. Please check with your adviser for details.