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Otterbein University Course Catalogs

2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Traditional Undergraduate Admission

Campus Visits
Application Process
Enrollment Fee
Medical/Health Record

Otterbein University seeks to admit students who are best qualified to benefit from the educational offerings of the University and to contribute to the campus community. Each applicant’s credentials are reviewed individually; the major concern of the University is assessing the student’s preparation for success in our environment. Admission decisions are based on academic performance, standardized test results, and the potential for future growth and success. Special talents and participation in extracurricular and community activities will also be considered.

Preference is given to applicants who have successfully completed a college preparatory curriculum consisting of four units of English, 3-4 units of mathematics, 3-4 units of science, 3-4 units of social studies, 2-3 units of foreign language, and 1-2 units in the performing arts. The University is aware of the diversity of programs and the variety of opportunities available in high school, and therefore admission consideration may also be given to students who show strong academic promise but may not have fulfilled the traditionally required curriculum. Students are admitted without regard to gender, race, sexual orientation, creed, color, national origin or handicap.

Campus Visits

The Office of Admission strongly encourages students to get a better understanding of student life at Otterbein by spending a day on campus. It is possible to visit classes, meet with our faculty and admission counselors, take a tour of Otterbein’s facilities and talk informally with our students. It is advisable to make an appointment at least one week in advance of your visit so that individual conferences and tours can be arranged.

The Office of Admission is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday hours are from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. while school is in session. The Office of Admission also holds several visitation days on campus during the year including several general open houses for seniors in the fall and a junior/sophomore preview visitation days in the spring. Visitation day information is mailed to prospective students and can be found on the Otterbein website.

To schedule a campus visit or receive answers to your questions about Otterbein, contact the Office of Admission, 1 South Grove Street, Otterbein University, Westerville, Ohio 43081. Our telephone numbers are 1-800-488-8144, 1-877-688-3723 or 614-823-1500, or by Email at, or by facsimile at 1-614-823-1200. You may also schedule a visit, apply for admission or ask for more information by visiting our Website:

Application Process

A. First-time Freshmen

Application forms may be obtained by contacting the Office of Admission, 1 South Grove Street, Otterbein University, Westerville, Ohio 43081, phone 1-800-488-8144, 1-877-688-3723 or 614-823-1500, or by E-mail at, or by facsimile at 1-614-823-1200.

You may also apply online here.

Freshman applications may be filed anytime after the student has completed the junior year of high school. We strongly encourage students intending to enroll in the fall term to apply by January 15th of the senior year to be fully considered for acceptance, scholarships, financial aid and housing. Applications received after that will be considered on a space-available basis. Please note that certain programs (i.e. Musical Theatre, Theatre,) have limited enrollment. The admission staff begins to review applications in November and follows a rolling admission process whereby completed applications files are normally acted upon within a few weeks of their receipt. It is necessary to provide the Office of Admission with the following credentials:

  1. A completed application, including both a 250 word minimum essay and $25 application fee.
  2. An official copy of your current high school transcript showing course work taken, grade point average, and if available, class rank.**
  3. An official record of your ACT or SAT I scores. We will accept test scores reported on an official transcript.
  4. A letter of recommendation or counselor recommendation form sent directly from the high school. 

** Home schooled students should submit written documentation of successful completion of the equivalency of a college preparatory high school curriculum. Transcripts from a cooperating school district are preferred. The Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) results are required (Ohio students only).

B. Transfer Students

Students interested in transferring to Otterbein from an accredited two-year or four-year institution should submit the following credentials to the Office of Admission:

  • a completed application form and $25 application fee.
  • an official final high school transcript.
  • an official transcript from each post-secondary institution attended in the United States.

When an admission file is complete, the Office of the Registrar will perform a transcript evaluation and an admission decision will be made by the Office of Admission. An applicant for transfer from an accredited institution must present evidence of academic performance at least equal to that which is required of Otterbein students.

An application may be obtained by writing to the Office of Admission, 1 South Grove Street, Otterbein University, Westerville, Ohio 43081; by calling 1-800-488-8144, 1-877-Otterbein or 614-823-1356. A request for an application can also be submitted via e-mail to or facsimile at 614-823-3099. A student may also apply online at our website:

C. Special Admission Procedures for First-time Freshmen and Transfer Students

To better assess the potential for an applicant’s success, several of our programs require auditions or other information in addition to the credentials required for admission listed above.

Transfer students intending to pursue teaching licensure must meet the following criteria prior to transfer:

  • 2.5 overall GPA from all institutions (must include final grades from all institutions)
  • 2.5 overall GPA in concentration/teaching area(s)
  • ACT scores of 20 or above on both English and Math, OR SAT scores of 500 or above on both Critical Reading and Math, OR Praxis I scores of 172 or above on Writing and Math
  • Permission of the Education Department Chair
    Note: Meeting these criteria for transfer does not automatically admit students to the Teacher Education Program. Qualified transfer students should refer to the current Teacher Education Programs booklet for specific admission procedures to the program.

Applicants intending to pursue a major in music must audition for admission to the Department of Music. Information regarding audition dates and arrangements may be obtained by writing to the Department of Music, 1 South Grove Street, Otterbein University, Westerville, Ohio 43081, by calling 614- 823-1508 or by visiting our website at

Freshman intending to major in nursing enter as pre-nursing students and must submit a separate application for progression into nursing courses during the spring of their freshman year. Freshman students who meet the following high school criteria are guaranteed progression into the nursing curriculum if they meet the prerequisites during their freshman year. The guarantee high school criteria are: 3.5 high school GPA or better and a 25 composite or better on the ACT or a 1650 composite or better on the SAT. (High school guarantee criteria subject to change.) Once at Otterbein, guaranteed pre-nursing students must meet all Otterbein criteria for progression into the Nursing program. All pre-nursing freshmen, with and without the guarantee, must meet the same minimum criteria for progression into the sophomore nursing curriculum; however, admission will be competitive and on a space-available basis and preference will be given to those most highly qualified.

Transfer students, in addition to following transfer student University admission procedures, must submit a nursing application when all prerequisites are completed and they are ready to enter nursing courses. Nursing application forms are available from the Office of Admission and the Department of Nursing. The highest qualified transfer students are selected for admission on a space-available basis. Contact the Department of Nursing, 1 South Grove Street, Otterbein University, Westerville, Ohio 43081 or by calling 614-823-1614 for further information.

Students interested in theatre or musical theatre as a major are required to audition (acting and musical theatre) or submit a portfolio (design/technology) for admission to those degree programs. Interview information and arrangements may be obtained by writing to the Department of Theatre and Dance, 1 South Grove Street, Otterbein University, Westerville, Ohio 43081, by calling 614-823-1657, or on the Theatre and Dance website. 

Learning Disabilities
Applicants with any disability who may require special assistance are urged to contact our Disability Services coordinator in the Academic Support Center. Support services and accommodations are coordinated through this office. Please call 614-823-1618 for information.

D. Former Students

Otterbein Students who have been out less than one year do not need to reapply, but may go directly to Self Service Banner and register. Former students who have been out for one year or more must complete a new admission application (no fee required). Former students who attended another institution after leaving Otterbein must, in addition to reapplying, submit an official transcript of all courses taken. After being readmitted, former students pay their tuition deposits through the Office of Admission, and then register for classes.

A former student who has been required to withdraw must write to the appropriate council (Academic Council or Judicial Council) presenting his/her case for readmission. In addition to petitioning the appropriate council, students who have been out for one year or more must also complete a new admission application.

E. Transient (Visiting) Students

A transient or visiting student may enroll at Otterbein on a part-time or full-time basis for a maximum of two semesters. Transient students must complete an application for admission and the Transient Student Application (available through the Office of Admission or online). An official transcript from the home institution is required. Registration for classes is dependent upon course availability. After two semesters, a transient student must apply for transfer admission in order to continue at Otterbein. Transient students are strongly encouraged to consult with the home institution adviser to confirm that any prerequisite knowledge has been met and to assure transferability of the coursework to be taken.

F. Early Admit Students

A high school student who has yet to receive a high school diploma who wants to be a full-time student at Otterbein University may be admitted as an Early Admit Student. The student must complete the regular admission process, as well as provide the high school principal’s recommendation and parental agreement. Early Admit Students will receive University credit but may also be fulfilling high school requirements.

G. Otterbein Collegiate Insitute

High school students who have completed two years of high school (or who have junior standing) may apply to receive consideration within the Otterbein Collegiate Institute (OCI) and take courses on Otterbein’s campus at a discounted rate:

A student will be considered for the OCI program by the Office of Admission upon the submission of:

  1. a OCI application
  2. an official copy high school transcript (sent directly from the high school/district)
  3. ACT, SAT, PLAN or PSAT scores (optional, unless a student has below a 3.3 accumulative GPA)
  4. a statement of permission signed by the parents of the student at the time of enrollment.

H. Graduates of Bachelor Degree Programs

Students who have already earned a bachelor’s degree may enroll in Otterbein’s undergraduate program by submitting an application, and a copy of all their official college transcripts including proof of graduation. Application should be made through the Office of Adult and Transfer Enrollment Services (see Adult Undergraduate Admission).

I. International Students

Recognizing the increasing need for understanding and good will among people of all nations, Otterbein University encourages international students to apply for admission. International students seeking admission to an Otterbein four-year degree program should write to International Student Admission, 1 South Grove Street, Otterbein University, Westerville, Ohio 43081, USA, for an international student application, or apply for admission online at our website: E-mail us at, or send us a facsimile to 1-614-823-1200. International students should submit the application with the following credentials:

   1. Transcripts
All international students must request an official copy of their academic credentials (transcript or record of grades) from the high school attended. Copies of transcripts are also required from each institution attended since graduation from high school. The transcripts should give a complete list of courses taken, the number of weeks and the number of hours per week in lecture and laboratory for each subject, and the grades received. If possible, each copy should be accompanied by an interpretation in English of the grading system. In cases in which examination results or grades can not be released to the student, he/she should request that the proper school officials send the information directly to the International Student Admission Office. Applicants should include copies of any diplomas or certificates received or the scores from any national examination taken.

   2. TOEFL
Students whose native language is not English must send an official report of a score of at least 523 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), or 193 on the computer-based TOEFL, or 69 on the internet-based TOEFL.

   3. Proof of Financial Support
Applicants are asked to send a bank statement and/ or a sponsor’s letter indicating that sufficient funds are on deposit or can be made available and will be used for the student’s education.

   4. Application Fee
Applicants must send a nonrefundable application fee of $25 in the form of a certified check or bank draft payable to Otterbein University. Students transferring from another institution of higher education in the United States should write to International Student Admission, 1 South Grove Street Otterbein University, Westerville, OH 43081, and ask for an International Student Advisor’s Report form, which a current advisor must complete and return to Otterbein.

A World Education Services, Inc. (WES) course-by-course evaluation of all postsecondary education taken at institutions outside the United States (WES charges a fee of approximately $150 for this service, and Otterbein will reimburse the student when one term of enrollment has been completed; WES details and instructions are available at their website,

The application form should be completed and returned with the other credentials required at least two months before the beginning of the term for which the student seeks admission.

Enrollment Fee

A $150 nonrefundable enrollment fee is required of all full-time students. For students entering in the fall term, the fee is due no later than postmarked May 1 of the year preceding fall enrollment, or if the student is accepted for admission after May 1, the fee is due one month after the date of acceptance. New students enrolling in Spring or Summer terms will have fee deadlines stipulated in their letters of acceptance. By meeting the deadline, a student guarantees himself/herself space in our academic program.

Medical/Health Record

All full-time students choosing to enroll at Otterbein will be required to submit a medical examination form that must be completed by a personal physician and returned to our Health Center prior to starting classes. Forms will be provided to students once their tuition deposits are submitted.


Orientation offers new students and their families an opportunity to visit with faculty, administrators and current students in order to be better prepared for the academic expectations and interpersonal opportunities at Otterbein. New students will meet fellow classmates through team interactions led by upperclass students called orientation leaders. Tours of the campus, discussions with academic advisers about course scheduling, and a taste of residence hall and dining hall life are scheduled to help new students become more comfortable with the campus. More information can be obtained by contacting the Center for Student Involvement, 1 South Grove Street, Otterbein University, Westerville, Ohio 43081 or by calling 614-823-3202.